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Drug & Alcohol

A Parent's Guide to Preventing Underage Marijuana Usage.

Learn about how marijuana negatively affects the development of the adolescent brain, ways to tell if your child is using, and ways to help your child stay away from drugs.

Warning Signs of Substance Abuse
Tips for Parents on Keeping Children Drug Free
Find practical information for how to keep children drug free.
National Institute of Drug Abuse
Learn about various drugs and patterns of abuse in adolescents.
AlaTeen – Alcoholics Anonymous for Teens
Find information and resources for recovery from alcohol addiction.

District Policy Regarding Marijuana at School

(Section I, 11-C, Exceptional Misconduct and Suspension)

Health related effects of marijuana use

How to talk with your child about the risks of marijuana use

Where to get help if you know of someone who has a problem withdrugs.

WA Recovery Helpline

Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction: Statement on Marijuana