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Developmental Domains


School Counselors have the opportunity to affect three important developmental domains for students: academic, personal/social and career development.

Academic Developmental Domain:

The academic domain refers to how a student learns and acquires knowledge. According to the ASCA national model, “students will acquire the attitudes, knowledge and skills that contribute to effective learning in schools and across the life span”. Academic development will include: improved academic self-concept, acquired skills for improving learning, improved learning, plans to achieve goals, and an understanding of the relationship between school and life experiences. (Alexandria, 2004).

Personal/Social Developmental Domain:

The personal/social domain refers to students’ relationships with him/herself and others. According to the ASCA national model, students’ “will acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others.” This will include: acquiring self-knowledge, acquiring interpersonal skills, acquiring personal safety skills. (Alexandria, 2004).

Career Development Domain:

The career development domain refers to students’ ability to explore post secondary career/schooling options and develop goals and plans to help them achieve a meaningful career. According to the ASCA national model, “students will acquire the skills to investigate the world of work in relation to knowledge of self and to make informed career decisions.” This will include: developing career awareness, developing employment readiness, acquiring career information, identifying career goals, acquiring knowledge to achieve career goals, applying skills to achieve career goals. (Alexandria, 2004).

Alexandria, V.A. (2004). ASCA national standards for students. American School Counselor Association.