Athletic Eligibility Overview
How Athletic Eligibility Works at Alderwood Middle School
Eligibility Check List:
1) Have a Sport Physical on file with Athletic Department (good for two years) REQUIRED FOR ANY PARTICIPATION/PLAY click here for link
2) Complete Eligibility Paperwork electronically here at Rank One Sport. All forms must be completed ONLINE, paper copies will not be accepted.
3) Have no more than one “F” grade maximum – can still tryout or practice, however consistent grade checks are required to play
4) Purchase of an ASB Card ($15) - available here online or in the Main Office
5) Pay to Play fee ($65) per sport - due before first practice
*If sport is a "cut sport", the Sport Fee will be paid after the teams are posted. If you qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch, please submit a copy of your letter from Food Services to the Athletic Office in order to waive your Sport Fee* If you need a copy of your letter please call (425) 431-7078
6) Have no AMS Fines/Fees
Myers Stevens Toohey insurance plan application for those families needing to purchase an insurance plan is now housed online. Please click here to see more information about purchasing this insurance. This is only needed if your student does not currently have insurance but would like to play a sport. Insurance is a requirement to participate in Athletics.
Practice Schedules
Practice and Competition schedule PDF's can be found on the Athletics Overview page based on current season. You can find more up to date competition schedules and information here at WESCO Athletics.
Activity Buses
A bus can take your child home after practice is over. This bus will drop them off at a stop close to their regular stop. Some sports encourage carpooling - check with your coach to see if this is offered.
Late Paperwork
Students are still eligible to practice if their paperwork is turned in late, but can’t participate until everything is complete. Each team has a late paperwork cutoff day, typically about a week after starting if it is a non-cut sport.
Note: A Physical is REQUIRED for any participation/play.
Number of Required Practices Before Competing
Cross Country, Volleyball, Softball, Basketball, Soccer, and Track: Eight (8) practices are required before an athlete is eligible to compete in a game.
Wrestling: Ten (10) practices are required to compete
Football: Twelve (12) practices are required to compete
Please call Ms. Boston at 425.431.4001 or email at :
Updated 8/16/2019